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    Getting the username from the HKEY_USERS values

    Windows 2012 commands

    Windows 2012 – Enable F8 (boot into safe mode)

    Remove patch in command line

    Usefull powershell commands

    Active Directory operation failed on DC.dom.local. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied.

    Disable UAC on Windows 2012

    Outlook – Server not available and error in SSL

    The RD Licensing grace period has expired and Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has not been configured – Windows 2012 RDP

    Taskbar buttons – never combine – Windows 2012

    Move or copy auto-complete list from Outlook 2010

    Make changes to a users system registry (Regedit) – Windows 2012

    Add RDP-Tcp connection in Windows 2012 R2

    Set standard printer with a script

    Powershell script cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system

    Map network drive in Windows server 2012

    set chrome as default browser

    Enable Adblock Plus – Internet explorer

    Move dhcp server setup from Windows 2003 to 2008

    Robocopy Example

    ExtPart (DELL) – Unable to connect to c: or it does not exist

    Outlook 2013 starts configuration every time

    Windows 2008 – Use a NTP for time updates

    Disable Intranet WUS on Client

    RDP print from Windows 2008 domain controler

    Scheduled defragmentation in windows 2008 and 7

    Backup MySQL on Windows with a script and zip it

    Windows 8 – Change Product Key

    Disable Anti-SPAM folder in Outlook

    Remove Temporary Internet Files on exit with logoff script

    Where is All Users Folder in Windows 2008

    Add the Office 2010/2013 GPO’s to the Domain controler

    Update JAVA with script

    Disable Java update notifications

    System restart Adobe Reader – Terminal server

    Links in Outlook – Restricted

    Set standard printer with a VB script

    Reliability monitor – Empty on Windows 2008

    File associations GPO – Windows 2008

    Disable Admin Tools folder – Windows 2008 Terminal server

    Tomcat – Configure Trusted SSL Certificate – Windows

    Error in Office: The file is corrupt and it cannot be open – security setting

    Disable Outlook 2010 AntiSPAM/Junk E-mail Funktion

    Choose Fallback Driver – Windows 2003 Terminal Server

    Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 5. Access is denied.

    Please provide a path to windows media x86

    Turn Off Protected View in Office 2010

    Change client local drive in Citrix – InitialClientDrive

    Adobe Reader X with Protected Mode disabled on Terminal server

    svchost.exe uses 100% CPU

    Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments

    Customized office 2010 install

    Change boot screen in windows 7 and save time

    Automatically assign Workstations to a new OU

    Microsoft Office Outlook kan ikke startes. Outlook-vinduet kan ikke åbnes

    Disable Browser choice

    Disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows 2003

    There are problems with the signature – Click the signature button for details

    Terminal Server – Legal Notice

    Extend the 30 days grace period – Windows Vista

    MAP with username and password in a logon batch file

    Remote control failed. Error code 5: Access is denied

    Outlook – auto complete missing on new computer

    MS SQL Server 2005 and Remote Access

    NTLDR is missing

    Out of office – Internal works but not external

    More than two downloads in IE7

    IE7 – Opening multiple tabs from command line

    Remove the Built-In Search Bar in IE 7

    Change Office 2003 user templates path through regedit

    Restart service in a bat job

    Disable ICMP Redirect in Windows XP and 2003

    Scheduled restart

    Show uptime from command promt

    Automatic logon in Windows 2003

    Lost the shortcut to the Microsoft Update?

    FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit with encryption) with zFTPserver

    Allow remote desktop through regedit – Do it remote

    Control panel shortcuts – How to access them

    Slipstream Microsoft Office 2003 SP3

    Redirect only the default printer in Terminal Services

    Scheduled quick erase in backup exec

    Windows DHCP scope options

    Access denied to directory – Backup Exec error

    Spoolsv.exe and 99% CPU

    Run EXE as a service

    Create Restart, shutdown and lock screen shortcut

    Remove Balloon Tips

    Allow users to change time

    Time synchronizing with a time server on the Internet

    Add route in Windows

    Enable Remote Desktop from Regedit

    The Local Security Authority is unable to obtain an RPC connection to the domain controler

    More than one name on a server

    Remove messenger