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    Cannot use Veeam powershell commands – error: Cannot load Windows PowerShell snap-in VeeamPSSnapin – Windows 2012

    October 7th, 2015

    Create this reg-key and load it on the veeam server:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “Description”=”Include the Veeam’s cmdlet.”
    “VendorIndirect”=”VeeamPSSnapIn, Veeam”
    “DescriptionIndirect”=”VeeamPSSnapIn,This is a PowerShell snap-in that includes the Veeam’s cmdlet.”
    “ApplicationBase”=”C:\\Program Files\\Veeam\\Backup and Replication\\Backup”
    “AssemblyName”=”Veeam.Backup.PowerShell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=bfd684de2276783a”
    “ModuleName”=”C:\\Program Files\\Veeam\\Backup and Replication\\Backup\\Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.dll”

    asnp VeeamPSSnapin

    Run this as an example:

    Show controller configuration and disk info on ESXi

    August 3rd, 2015

    If running HP servers you need the customized HP VMware image to install ESX.

    Show controller configuration:
    /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli controller all show detail

    Show disk info:
    /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli controller slot=0 physicaldrive all show

    Enable Drive Write Cache
    /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli controller slot=0 modify dwc=enable forced

    Array cache read and write ratio (read/write)
    /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli controller slot=0 modify cacheratio=40/60 forced

    Update ESX host

    April 2nd, 2015

    esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/ESX03\:storage1/ESXi500-201502001.ZIP

    Use “update” insted of “install” if using cust. image

    Enable snmp on ESX5 host

    August 13th, 2014

    Enable SSH access on ESX host
    Install vmware vSphere CLI

    Go to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI\bin

    See configuration with:
    vicfg-snmp.pl –server -s

    Setup snmp:
    vicfg-snmp.pl –server -c info -p 161 -t,
    vicfg-snmp -server -y indications

    vicfg-snmp -server -y sensors — esx host
    161 – port (udp) target (HP SIM etc.)
    info – my community string

    Enable snmp
    vicfg-snmp.pl –server -E

    Se configuration agin.
    vicfg-snmp.pl –server -s

    test with snmpwalk:
    SnmpWalk.exe -r: -c:info

    On a ESXi5.1 and newer, use esxcfg-snmp.pl isted of vicfg-snmp.pl

    Backup ESXi configuration on host

    June 8th, 2012

    Backup ESXi configuration on host


    C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI\bin

    viccfg-cfgbackup.pl –server esxhost/IP –username root –password securepass -s c:\tmp\hostbackup.bak

    Show snapshots with powershell/powercli

    June 5th, 2012

    Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | select vm, name, sizemb, created
    or with grafical view:
    Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | select vm, name, sizemb, created | Out-gridview

    Create service dependency

    February 6th, 2012

    If you are using iscsi and have an fileserver, it is important that fileservices starts after the iscisi is of and running.
    This specifik command soves this issue:

    sc.exe config lanmanserver depand= msisci
    (the space before msisci has to be there)

    How to create snapshots in another location then the VMs folder

    September 28th, 2011

    This works only with ESX3 and ESX4
    Power down the VM
    Add a line to the .vmx configuration

    workingDir = “/vmfs/volumes/4e804054-a8b90408-d7d4-001e0b6dd2ce/vm-snapshots”

    KB from VMware

    The esxpress gui is being used, make your changes there

    September 28th, 2011

    You are using ESXpress and try to change the configuration from the console using ‘phd’.
    This error pops up trying to save the configuration: “The esxpress gui is being used, make your changes there”.
    The ESXpress software thinks it is controlled by the virtual phd appliance.
    If you are not using that anymore, this can be disabled in the configuration on the host:
    Change to ‘no’

    # Global Quorum Configs

    How to use esxcfg

    October 27th, 2010

    Add portgroups and vlans
    esxcfg-vswitch -A VLAN30 vSwitch1
    esxcfg-vswitch -v 30 -p VLAN30 vSwitch1

    Create VLAN script

    Enable jumbo frames – MTU 9000 on ESX

    June 21st, 2010

    vswitch AND portgroup needs to support MTU 9000 for optimal iscsi performance.

    esxcfg-vswitch -l
    esxcfg-vmknic -l

    Change MTU on vSwitch
    esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch1

    Add vmk with MTU 9000 support
    esxcfg-vswitch -A ISCSI vSwitch1
    esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n -m 9000 ISCSI

    Jumbo frames MTU 9000 test to an iscsi target
    vmkping -s 9000

    Save ESX or vSphere host configuration

    April 22nd, 2010

    Save the output of this to a file:

    esxcfg-vswitch -l
    esxcfg-vmknic -l

    Or make a backup of this file:

    ESVA customization

    June 9th, 2009

    ESVA is a pre-built and easily configured email scanning Virtual Appliance (ESVA) that runs on VMware ESX Server. http://www.global-domination.org/ESVA.php

    The central components are Clam antivirus and spam assassin.

    After the basic setup you might want to customize some thing that cannot changed in the wizard or GUI.

    Change the amount of cashed mails:

    – $days_to_keep = 180; in /etc/cron.daily/clean.quarantine

    – define(QUARANTINE_DAYS_TO_KEEP, 180); in /var/www/html/conf.php

    – INTERVAL 180 DAY in /usr/local/bin/mailwatch/tools/db_clean.php


    $disabled = 0;

    $days_to_keep   = 14;

    The default signature:


    – sig.html.rules

    – sig.text.rules

    Blocked filetypes:


    Change the max message size:

    In webmin – postfix – “General resource control”.

    An example is to add a zero.

    Max size of a message: 102400000

    Max size of a mailbox: 512000000

    Or in /etc/postfix/main.cf: message_size_limit = 102400000

    For 100 MB

    Remove the “notify for SPAM”.

    In the file: /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf

    Remove notify in the line:  Spam Actions = store notify

    Disable Graylisting for some IP’s
    /etc/init.d/sqlgrey restart

    Remove the “MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from…”:

    Highlight Phishing Fraud = no

    Remove the opportunity to read the emails in the Webinterface:

    Edit /var/www/html/detail.php

    Go the end and change the “view email” link.

    // echo ”  <TD><A HREF=\”viewmail.php……………..”</A></TD>\n”;

    echo ” <TD>…</TD>\n”;

    Default SPAM score:


    Required SpamAssassin Score = 5

    Remove Inline HTML Signature

    In the file: /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf

    # Add the “Inline HTML Signature” or “Inline Text Signature” to the end

    # of uninfected messages?

    # This can also be the filename of a ruleset.

    Sign Clean Messages = no

    Auto Reply – Out of office

    Treat Invalid Watermarks With No Sender as Spam = 2

    Script in the email

    Allow Script Tags = disarm

    Or yes/no

    Office 2010 Fileformats:

    Microsoft Office 2007/2010 documents (.docx, .xlsx etc) seem to be archived XML documents and MailScanner does not like that by default.

    The solution is to put this in filename.rules.conf

    allow   \.xml\.rel$             –       –

    allow   \.rel$                  –       –

    allow   \.docx$                 –       –

    allow   \.xlsx$                 –       –

    allow   \.xml\d*\.rel$          –       –

    allow   \.x\d+\.rel$            –       –

    allow   \.bin$                  –       –

    allow   \.wmf$                  –       –

    allow   \.dat$                  –       –

    Put this just above the “# Deny all other double file extensions..” line

    allow   .doc$                   –       –

    allow   .xls$                   –       –

    And in MailScanner.conf change Maximum Archive Depth to 3

    Maximum Archive Depth = 3

    This makes MailScanner recognize the Office 2007/2010.

    Disable Fuzzyocr:

    Rename /etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.cf to something else.

    Restart Mailscanner

    Disable SPAM and or AV scan


    Spam Checks = no

    Use SpamAssassin = no

    Virus Scanning = no

    In MailScanner.conf
    Spam Checks = /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.check.rules

    In spam.check.rules:
    FromOrTo:     domain.com      no
    FromOrTo:       default   yes

    Enable Remote ssh login


    PermitRootLogin yes

    Restart sshd

    If running virtual, ESVA might loose time

    Make a file in: /etc/cron.daily




    date +”%D %r `echo Cron completed`” >> /var/log/cron_job.log

    chmod +x ntp.cron

    Remember RAM!

    Do you see this error in the maillog:

    “too big for available disk space in /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming, skipping it”

    Mailscanner is using this directory temporality to unpack files before scanning.

    By default ESVA have 1024 MB of RAM. Half of that size is used to the RAM-based filesystem.

    Maybe 512 MB for unpacking is to small.

    See FSTAB and change the size here

    tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=1024m

    The easy way (if you have RAM enough), is to just give ESVA more RAM.

    Allow EXE in zipped attachments


    allow \.exe$ Windows/DOS Executable


    #deny executable No executables

    Remember to update resolv.conf

    If this file does not contain a IP of an vallid DNS, you might get this error in the log: “Recipient address rejected: Domain not found”

    This is an exaple with openDNS


    search localdom.local


    Block destination email address
    [email protected] REJECT
    [email protected] REJECT

    postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_access

    Remember to add the file to postfix’s Main.cf:
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, check_policy_service inet:, check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access

    Show ClamAV version
    /usr/sbin/clamd -V

    Remove mails from queue
    List queue: mailq
    Remove specific email: postsuper -d -3EFE828621

    Exchange – Duplicate deliver
    If you release a message that already have been delivered, it will not end up in the mailbox.
    You can see what email that have “hit” this rule/functionality in the “EMC –> email tracking or powershell
    Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventId DUPLICATEDELIVER

    Block email baced on subject – postfix
    header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

    /^Subject: Spam subject/ DISCARD

    Restart postfix

    Block email baced on subject – Mailscanner
    header P2 Subject =~ /new Message/i
    describe P2 Banned Subject
    score P2 10

    header P3 Subject =~ /new2 for you/i
    describe P3 Banned Subject
    score P3 10

    Disable ahbl.org
    # another domain-based blacklist
    #header DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL eval:check_rbl_envfrom(‘ahbl’, ‘rhsbl.ahbl.org.’)
    #describe DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL Envelope sender listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org
    #tflags DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL net

    Throttling too many connections from new source
    connect_src_throttle = 5
    0 = Disable

    /etc/init.d/sqlgrey restart

    Allow password protected ZIP from one or more email/domains
    Allow Password-Protected Archives = no
    Allow Password-Protected Archives = %rules-dir%/pp.archives.rules
    FromOrTo: [email protected] yes
    FromOrTo: mydomain2.com yes
    FromOrTo: default no

    MailScanner restart

    ESX3 – Lost service console connectivity

    April 14th, 2009

    For a lot of reasons you could lose the connection to your ESX host. Now it cannot be configurated with the use of virtual center until this has been recreated.

    esxcfg-nics -l
    Gives an list of your physical nics

    esxcfg-vswitch -l
    esxcfg-vswitch -l > textfile.txt
    Gives an list of your virtual switch configuration. If you “pipe” it to a textfile it can be easily readed.

    esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic6 vSwitch0
    In this example a physical nic is added to a vSwitch.

    The connection has now been recreated

    mgmt-vmware restart script does not complete

    November 5th, 2008

    You lost connection to the ESX 3,5 host using the vmware infrastructure client.
    Now you want to restart the management agent to get it up and running again.
    But for some reason the command “service mgmt-vmware restart” does not complete.
    Restarting the host and its local running virtual servers is not an option, so what do you do.

    Try this:
    service pegasus stop
    service mgmt-vmware stop
    These commands may take some minutes.

    ps -e f |grep vmware-watchdog
    ps -e f |grep mgmt

    Kill all processes you find:
    kill -9 processid

    Start the services (wait two minuets):
    service mgmt-vmware start; sleep 1; service pegasus start

    If it does not work try this instead:
    service pegasus stop; service mgmt-vmware stop; sleep 30; service mgmt-vmware start; service pegasus start

    service network restart.

    vmware has a KB about this issue regerding:
    mgmt-vmware restart script might not finish restarting the hostd
    mgmt-vmware restart script does not finish restart the hostd.
    The script gets stuck when stopping the service.
    The SSH session to the ESX host becomes unresponsive.

    KB ID: 1005566

    Upgrade Virtual Hardware hangs

    October 24th, 2008

    If you migrade VM’s from ESX2,5 to ESX3,5 you have to upgrade the virtual hardware.
    If this process hangs it could have something to do with the old virtual hardware.

    A mounted floppy image on the old server could course the problem when upgrading the virtual hardware on the new host. The upgrade process can not be cancelled in the GUI so what do you do?

    First, stop the hanged job by restarting this two services:

    service vmware-vpxa restart
    service mgmt-vmware restart

    Then remove the VM from the inventory.

    Edit the VM’s configuration by hand:
    Set the floppy to false
    floppy0.present = “false”

    Disable other floppy properties
    # floppy0.startConnected = “false”
    # floppy0.fileName = “/div/vmscsi-”

    Now re-add the VM to the inventory

    Try to upgrade the virtual hardware now, it should work now.

    How to avoid this to happen in the first place:
    On the old ESX2,5 remember to remove floppydrives BEFORE migrating the VM to a new ESX3,5.

    Remote root access with ESX 3

    September 8th, 2008

    nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    Change the line: “PermitRootLogin no” to: “PermitRootLogin yes“

    Restart the sshd server:
    /etc/init.d/sshd restart

    Install vmware-tools in debian

    May 11th, 2008

    apt-get install binutils cpp gcc make psmisc linux-headers-$(uname -r)
    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/
    tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-xxx.tar.gz
    umount /mnt
    cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib ./vmware-install.pl

    The Local Security Authority is unable to obtain an RPC connection to the domain controler

    July 28th, 2007

    You are working with trust between two windows domains and gets this error.


    Are you using vmware… ? yes, keep on reading.

    This error does not occur on physical hardware but on a virtualized environment and only in vmware. The problem is the vmware driver  hgfs.sys. This driver handles the “vmware shared folders”.

    To resole this disable vmware shared folders. It can be done thug regedit. Se the image below. Just change the “start” key value to 4. The path is:


    For more information about this issue See this blog here