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    Scheduled quick erase in backup exec

    October 24th, 2007

    Make a task in windows control panel running a bat-file.

    cd C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec
    bemcmd -o111 -d”HP 1″ -e1

    first line enters the directory where “bemcmd” is localized.
    second line runs a quick erase on the device “HP 1”.

    Windows DHCP scope options

    October 20th, 2007

    Just an example of scope options on a windows 2003 active directory server with dhcp server.

    003 Router:
    006 DNS servers:
    015 DNS Domain name: dom.local
    044 WINS/NBNS Server:
    046 WINS/NBT Node Type: 0x8

    Access denied to directory – Backup Exec error

    October 17th, 2007

    If you get this error when performing an backup of exchange: “Access denied to directory .
    Access is denied to Remote Agent.  Check the login account for the specified device”, some things has to be checked.

    The user running the agent on exchange MUST be visible in Global Address List. In Active Directory user properties be sure not to have “Hide from exchange address list” checked.
    If your exchange is an standard setup and your using the administrator account in the agent, this is probably whey the error came.

    If not using the Administrator account, be sure to check that the used account is a member of Domain Admin and NOT a member of Domain Users.
    The account also need to have the exchange role “full exchange administrator”.

    This can be done in the exchange manager.
    – Open Exchange System Manager
    – Right-click on the First Organization (Exchange) root and select Delegate “EXCHANGE FULL ADMIN” to the user”.

    Spoolsv.exe and 99% CPU

    October 1st, 2007

    If the printing service (spoolsv.exe) is using 99% of the CPU, and an reboot of the whole server and or just the service does not work, what could be wrong?

    Maybe an old print-job is stuck on the computer.
    Go to: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS
    and remove all the files.

    Restart the printing service.